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Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 3 of 5: The Real Issue 

Most American families are unprepared for the greatest threat they have ever faced: the Cur$e of Inheritance. The Cur$e of Inheritance is an ugly monster of jealousy, fear and selfishness that crushes families, eats money and destroys lives. The Cur$e of Inheritance is born in an environment of loss and grief by unprepared heirs who feel entitled to unearned wealth, and tragically forget to see each other as human beings...

Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 3 of 5: The Real Issue 

Below are main points from my #1 best-selling book Curse of Inheritance: How to Protect Your Family from Being Broke, Bitter and Blaming You.  I wrote it to introduce this taboo topic with a little bit of humor in an honest and straightforward manner.  Hopefully by now, you have completed the free assessment from the book, but if not, download your free assessment at Once you know your location on the pyramid you can determine your family's expected outcome after you are gone.  

Most American families are unprepared for the greatest threat they have ever faced: the Cur$e of Inheritance. The Cur$e of Inheritance is an ugly monster of jealousy, fear and selfishness that crushes families, eats money and destroys lives. The Cur$e of Inheritance is born in an environment of loss and grief by unprepared heirs who feel entitled to unearned wealth, and tragically forget to see each other as human beings.

When Cindy Arledge’s mom and dad passed away within eight months of each other, she was helpless to save the broken relationships between siblings and their families created by her parents’ estate plan.

Years later, after becoming a grandmother affectionately known as “Elmo”, Cindy realized it was time to transform her tragedy into a solution to protect her growing family’s future and help other families do the same. In this book you will discover the real problem behind wealth transfers and the single most important change you can make to protect your family. Cindy shares the secret planning tool used by ultra-high-net families to protect their families, and provides the Legacy Family Planning basics you can immediately implement for your family’s benefit.

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Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 4 of 5: The Solution 

If you don't understand the real issue you can't craft a real solution.  Most people believe the problem is money, but money is amoral.  Money is an amplifier. Traditional estate planning relies on legal documents to transfer financial assets and results in failure 85% to 90% of the time...

Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 4 of 5: The Solution

If you don't understand the real issue you can't craft a real solution.  Most people believe the problem is money, but money is amoral.  Money is an amplifier. Traditional estate planning relies on legal documents to transfer financial assets and results in failure 85% to 90% of the time.   


Legal documents are critically important and necessary documents.  But, they aren’t enough to prevent wealth transfer failures because they don’t address the two most common causes of wealth transfer failure: unprepared heirs who don't communicate and trust each other.  Legacy Family Planning is the essential estate planning tool that successful families add to their estate planning documents to create generational wealth for their family.  Legacy Family Planning prevents wealth transfer failure by strengthening relationships and training heirs to receive their inheritance.  


What is Legacy Family Planning and Why Does it Work?

Legacy Family Planning is a process, or way of life that is designed to systematically transfer values and character before wealth in a family first environment.  Family members are trained to become stewards of resources instead of consumers.  Rather than create and transfer wealth, each generation is taught to become wealth builders who seek their unique and highest potential.  Legacy Family Planning includes investing in the intentional development of skills for each family member. Legacy Family Planning is a process that includes fun activities to create lasting memories.


Legacy Families see life as their job, and family as their business.  Their business is to provide training and support for family members so they can thrive and prosper.  Just like any successful business, they are guided by a mission statement and board of directors. 

Legacy Family Planning is a three phase process.  Each phase builds upon the next.  Although the purpose behind Legacy Family Planning is to prepare your heirs and build communication and trust, the process provides opportunities for meaningful relationships that you can enjoy now.


The Legacy Family Way

How to foster family relationships to Create Lasting Wealth

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Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 5 of 5: What Now?

According to a 2014 Forbes article, 51% of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 don’t even have a will. Men are more likely to have a will than women and when considering younger age groups, the number of people without a will dramatically increase to 64% who lack protection.

 Introducing Legacy Family Planning | 5 of 5: What Now?

According to a 2014 Forbes article, 51% of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 don’t even have a will. Men are more likely to have a will than women and when considering younger age groups, the number of people without a will dramatically increase to 64% who lack protection.  

You must have an estate plan in place before you can add a Legacy Family Plan to it.  If you don’t have a will, you are an Avoider on the Estate Planning Pyramid and your Family’s Expected Family outcome is Lost.  You have not provided your family with the minimum legal protection they need to thrive in your absence.  Now would be the best time to get a will.   


To clarify, this is NOT legal advice. Please, contact your professional advisors for assistance.  Many people don’t know what a will is, or how to get one, so it's important to get on the same page about the term “will.”  For our purposes, “will” is a group of essential estate planning documents that, at a minimum, contain the following: (1.) Last Will and Testament, (2.) Statutory Power of Attorney, (3.) Power of Attorney for Health Care, and (4.) DNR-Do Not Resuscitate. Depending on your family’s needs, your situation may require additional documents. If in doubt, please consult your legal advisor.

My hope is that you already have a will.  You have taken the time to protect your family with the information you had.  But now, you know better.  There is more you can do.  Are you willing to take one more step to protect your family?  

Take the Next Right Step

What is your next right step? 

Educate yourself.  Ultimately, you will need to make a decision.  Will you add a Legacy Family Plan to your estate plan? 

If you need help making a decision, please use the Cartesian Logic questions to gain clarity.  This line of questioning is attributable to Rene Descartes, a French Philosopher from the early 1600s and is quite effective in making important decisions. 

1.  What would happen if you did add a Legacy Family Plan to your current estate plan?


2.  What would happen if you didn’t add a legacy Family Plan to your current estate plan?


3.  What won’t happen if you did add a Legacy Family Plan to your current estate plan?


4.  What won’t happen if you didn’t add a Legacy Family Plan to your current estate plan?

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